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Create Working DxSale V1 Interface For Locked Liquidity

ChainBinance USD
Eye243  Views
25 March 2024

About the service

DxSale has a closed source front end which interacts with unverified smart contracts deployed on BSC. My skillset is limited, but I'm hoping one of you gurus out there can take a look and figure out how to build something that can be used as open source in case they decide to nuke their front end. From my limited research abilities I was able to inspect their files from their website (https://dxsale.one/app/pages/dxlockv1?chain=BSC) and found an abi:


inputs: [{

internalType: "uint256",

name: "userLockerNumber",

type: "uint256"


name: "unlockToken",

outputs: [],

stateMutability: "nonpayable",

type: "function"


, F = [{

inputs: [],

payable: !1,

stateMutability: "nonpayable",

type: "constructor"


But upon closer inspection I cannot figure out which response object produces the userLockerNumber. Checking the contract deployment from the blockchain I can't seem to determine this either. You are tasked with the requirement to build a working front end, or even be a simple python script that constructs the web call using the correct ABI.


Web3 Development

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